

We are a Drake University center for the practice of comparative philosophy of religion, the understanding of local lived religion, and the cultivation of interfaith literacy and leadership.  Many of the photos on this site were taken by Bob Blanchard. Click here to see his website.

Our Lecture & Dialogue Series

Our lecture & dialogue series in comparative philosophy of religion explores a different religious theme every two years through scholar lectures, practitioner dialogues, and comparative conclusions.  Click on the card to view.


Our Photo-Narrative Projects

We have published a photo-narrative about religion in Des Moines (A Spectrum of Faith, 2017). We also engage in photo-narrative projects with Drake University’s international partners.  Click on the text or icon to view.


Interfaith Literacy & Leadership

We cultivate interfaith literacy & leadership with college and high-school students though an interfaith youth camp (in collaboration with DMARC), a Drake University student organization, and classes in interfaith understanding and engagement. Click on the text or icon to view.


Religions of Des Moines

We offer a monthly series of open houses in local places of worship (“Meet My Religious Neighbor”), online guides to area religious communities, and student-facilitated digital stories about local practitioners’ faith experiences. Click on the text or icon to view.


For more information about The Comparison Project, please contact:

Tim Knepper, Director 
comparisonproject [at] drake [dot] edu
515-271-3826 (fax)

The Comparison Project
Department of Philosophy and Religion
Drake University
2507 University Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50311-4505

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